We are not trying to make anyone feel guilty, we get it, but educating ourselves to be mindful in our children’s fashion consumption, is our goal. We understand the joy of spending money on kid’s clothes- the instant gratification, the thrill, the necessity for the event, the justifications- but, we also understand the frustration of kid's growing too quickly. We keep buying, trying, to keep up in their growth spurts, in an endless amount of clothing that was worn a few times, if even at all. Stylette creates a home for sustainable and lasting fashion. No need to feel guilty, justify, deny, but to embrace the joy by renting. The best part is, your kids look good, and you feel good about your choices. We want to bring awareness and mindfulness to sustainable fashion and what it means to practice this lifestyle.
We have a tendency to over consume when it is not necessary. Renting allows for this to not happen as frequently. We should know that in the US 25 billion pounds of textile waste ends up in landfills. As the clothes sit there and decompose, they create toxic greenhouse gases, which contribute to global warming. The fashion industry is one of the primary polluters in the world, second to oil.
We all have heard how fast-fashion is killing our planet. As over half of textiles and clothing are made of cotton. To grow one kilogram of cotton crop, it demands 20,000 liters of water. That basically is enough for only two shirts! Chemicals are also added to this troubling scenario. Ethical and eco-fashion practices will minimize the effects of producing such garments. We believe in ethical fashion for equal treatment and respect to everyone involved in this process. We seek to find brands to partner with who have the same eco fashion vision as us. By embracing these sustainable methods, we can create lasting fashion.
Sustainability can also be achieved by donating used clothing to children in need, as well as donating to non-profits that recycle textiles. Of course, an obvious sustainable option is to rent your clothing. Sustainable and lasting fashion will be the mainstay in our children’s future. Might as well start now and make a change.
Textile recycling, another practice of recycling, works in decreasing landfills space, (as well as your closet), avoidance of virgin fibers, reduced consumption of energy and water, less demand for dyes, and helping keep our planet from imploding through global warming.
We have teamed up with two non-profits to donate our inventory deemed not rentable, and not sellable. We will donate children’s clothing to baby2baby for children in need 0-12. What we cannot donate to them we will recycle as textiles through Rewearable.
As we believe in fashion for our children, we also believe in lasting fashion and lasting memories for our kids.
“To be used to the world is the only way to be happy.” –Hans Christian Andersen
The U.S. generates 25 billion pounds of post-consumer textile waste per year, including clothing, footwear, linens, towels, and other fabrics. That is 82 pounds of clothing waste per person per year, with 70 pounds of that amount ending up in the land ll.4